We make a wide range of stoneware and porcelain, from miniature pots to the occasional immense teapot! From mugs and cups to gold lustered art pieces, with plenty under £20.
Every piece we sell is made and fired on the premises by the two of us. Every pot is thrown by us, Junko and Paul, on the potters wheel.
You can also buy a gift voucher for a friend. Just give us a call or pop in. We can even send your voucher out to you by post. A great gift!
Our usual opening hours are:
10am – 5pm (Tuesday to Friday)
10am – 4.30pm (Saturday)
Do call to check ahead to be on the safe side if making a special journey.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Call us on 0131 662 4064 for more information.
Alongside our pottery we sell the wonderful poetry of our collaborator, the makar Elizabeth Burns, part of whose legacy we hold.
You can still see some work from the A Potter, a Painter and a Poet collaboration here,
Special to this event was the film – PotterPainterPoet– directed by Sitar Rose.
See some of Paul and Junko’s work here:
High Quality Handthrown Stoneware
Close to the east end of The Meadows on Edinburgh’s Southside we offer a wide range of the highest quality traditional pottery and contemporary ceramics in handthrown stoneware, with prices ranging from under a tenner to over £1000 for rarer work.
We are privileged to have been working with the photographer Iga Gozdowska. Please look at the page Photos by Iga Gozdowska to see some of the wonderful results.
Here are some other pieces.
- Dec 2016
- Cheesebell
- Saltcrocks and Colanders
- Carved Porcelain Celadon Dish
- Dish
- February Gallery(2015)
- Wee Dish
- Gallery
- Teapots Dec 2016
- Gallery
- Golded Vase
- Cheese Bell
- Small Teapot
- Teapot
- Teapot and others (GG/No10 WR Stripes)
- Crystal Glazed Vase
- Jug and Cup Set
- Porcelain Celadon Cups
- Nearly Five Gallons!
- Boxes
- Golded Trinket Box
- Teapot
- The Meadows Pottery Hugs
- Colander/Berry Bowl
From the beginning we have focused on supplying customers directly with reasonably priced, high quality stoneware that is warm, simple and easy on the eye.
With the distinctive range of glazes we’ve developed over more than thirty years, everything from a simply glazed bowl to a highly decorated piece is created with the same care and consideration.
We are interested to know what you think of our pots and what you would like us to make. We benefit from many returning customers who have grown to know our wares over the years, some building up there own sets of ware for the home, or finding us a good source of successful gifts for friends and family. We make sure we keep a wide price range of wares on sale, with plenty of items selling for under £20. We make pots for all sorts of purposes, from the more usual mugs, jugs, bowls, vases, and teapots to colanders, goblets, garlic pots, salt crocks, candleholders, cheese bells and planters, even the occasional five gallon teapot!
Apart from the porcelain, everything is high-fired oxidised stoneware, fired in an electric kiln to Cone 10, which is close to 1300 degrees Celsius. We hope our pots are heart-warming for the user, from the comfort of a curved form with a calming glaze, to the reassurance that comes from knowing a thing has been well made, using the highest quality materials.
Contact us by telephone: 0131 662 4064
Member of the Scottish Potters Association.